Prevention House

The prevention house is designed to help families maintain their well being.

The goal of the prevention house is to prevent the apprehension of children and work with the Ministry of Social Services, with a focus on protecting children as well as giving caregivers and parents the necessary tools to regain and retain the family unit. The prevention house also provides respite care for parents and caregivers. Since the prevention house opened in October 2018, we’ve helped more than 50 clients.

Please contact us if you’d like to use the prevention house. 

Who can access the prevention house?

  1. Any children in need to emergency Prevention Services shelter and care.
  2. Victims of domestic violence who require temporary shelter.
  3. Families who have suffered a catastrophe such as a fire, and require emergency shelter.
  4. Respite care for foster parents.
  5. Women diagnosed with postpartum depression.
  6. Other admission determined appropriate for the shelter.